Student TEACHER Internships at the BAY
The BAY offers both volunteer and paid internships to high school students enrolled in BAY classes. Internships at the BAY have helped students consider whether they should pursue a career in art, art education, or art history. Several BAY seniors have completely paid for their Portfolio Development program through their internship. Internships are available with elementary and middle school classes.
Interns 2016/2017
Skylar Thompson, a senior at East Lyme High School, has been a BAY student since 2nd grade. She has assisted in the kindergarten through 5th grade classes for two years. Skylar plans to attend and has been accepted to Lyme Academy next year with a $14,000/year merit scholarship. (She was also accepted to Montserrat College of Art and New Hampshire Institute of Art.)
Summer LoPriore is a freshman at East Lyme High School. She has been a BAY student for three years. She has assisted in the k-3 class for one year and now assists the middle school classes. Summer especially loves acrylic painting, and her work is currently on exhibit at Café Sol in Niantic.
Erin Collinge, a junior at East Lyme High School, has been a student at the BAY since 3rd grade. She assists the middle school classes. Erin looks forward to following a career path in art.
Alex Rose, a senior at East Lyme High School, has been accepted to Hartford Art School and Endicott College (and awaits responses from other schools.) She recently received the CAS Visual Arts Award from her high school. |