Portfolio Development
The BAY portfolio program is designed to help junior and senior high school artists present the best possible portfolio during their college admission process. BAY portfolio students receive advice on creating, selecting, and arranging the art in the portfolios as well as how to present both their art work and themselves during an interview. Matting and digital photographic services are also provided.
Mrs. Brubaker provides advice and coaching to her portfolio students. As part of the “Portfolio Advising” process Mrs. Brubaker helps high school artists get into pre-college programs, pre-screens and helps order the artwork in student portfolios, assists students in presenting their portfolios (including “dry-run” presentations within the safety of the BAY studio), brings select art and design school representatives to the BAY to evaluate student portfolios, advises students on the strengths, weaknesses, and “fit” of college/university, and art and design school programs for each student, and attends National Portfolio Day to help students and parents with “On-the-Spot” feedback, advice, and encouragement. Mr. Brubaker provides all the technical help to portfolio students. He digitally photographs student artwork, formats the images to meet college requirements, produces necessary CD’s and slides, and uploads artwork to college admission offices (Slideroom). Mr. Brubaker also mats, provides protective covers and hanging tabs, and generally helps students prepare their actual artwork for presentation to college admission officials. |
A sixteen-piece art portfolio is absolutely required for all art and design schools and many reputable university and college fine art programs. However, almost all high school artists find that a portfolio aids them in their college or university application process—even if they do not intend to major in art.